People who've collaborated with Cowtan & Tout, Inc.
There are 34 people who've collaborated with Cowtan & Tout, Inc. on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
Jack Lenor Larsen Incorporated
They worked on 33 objects together as a producer
William Morris
They worked on 16 objects together as a artist or a designer or a manufacturer
Morris & Co.
They worked on 13 objects together as a maker or a manufacturer or a for
Jeffrey & Company
They worked on 12 objects together as a manufacturer or a maker
Larsen Design Studio
They worked on 11 objects together as a designer
Win Anderson Fabrics
They worked on 5 objects together as a manufacturer or a designer
Anthony Ballatore
R. Schneid
Griswold Textile Print, Inc.
They worked on 3 objects together as a manufacturer
Jack Lenor Larsen
John Henry Dearle
Jack Prince
Bolan Fabrics
They worked on 2 objects together as a manufacturer
Michael Koch
Thai Silk Company, Ltd.
They worked on 2 objects together as a manufacturer
Win Anderson
Don Wight
American Art Textile Printing Company, Inc.
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Winston Prints
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Hohlenstein Textiles
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
G. Taroni
They worked on one object together as a designer
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Park Adams
They worked on one object together as a printer
Belle Fabrics
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
D. Snyder
They worked on one object together as a designer
S. Dwoskin
They worked on one object together as a designer
Covington Fabrics Corporation
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
New London Textiles
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Leclercq Leroux
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Continental Mills
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Timo Sarpaneva
They worked on one object together as a designer
May Morris
They worked on one object together as a designer
Arthur Sanderson
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Arthur Sanderson & Sons, Ltd.
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer