People who've collaborated with Jack Lenor Larsen Incorporated
There are 30 people who've collaborated with Jack Lenor Larsen Incorporated on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
Jack Lenor Larsen
They worked on 49 objects together as a designer or a producer
Larsen Design Studio
They worked on 39 objects together as a designer
Anthony Ballatore
Win Anderson Fabrics
They worked on 6 objects together as a manufacturer or a designer
Don Wight
Jack Prince
R. Schneid
Griswold Textile Print, Inc.
They worked on 3 objects together as a manufacturer
Taunus Textildruck Zimmer
Win Anderson
Bolan Fabrics
They worked on 2 objects together as a manufacturer
Michael Koch
Thai Silk Company, Ltd.
They worked on 2 objects together as a manufacturer
Mark C. Pollack
Sven Fristedt
Warren Platner
American Art Textile Printing Company, Inc.
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Winston Prints
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Hohlenstein Textiles
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
G. Taroni
They worked on one object together as a designer
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Park Adams
They worked on one object together as a printer
Belle Fabrics
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
D. Snyder
They worked on one object together as a designer
S. Dwoskin
They worked on one object together as a designer
Covington Fabrics Corporation
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
New London Textiles
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Leclercq Leroux
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
They worked on one object together as a publisher
Timo Sarpaneva
They worked on one object together as a designer