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Announcement, Art in the Nineties

This is a Announcement. It was designed by Edward Fella. It is dated 1990 and we acquired it in 1995. Its medium is offset lithograph on off-white paper. It is a part of the Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design department.

This object was donated by Edward Fella. It is credited Gift of Edward Fella.

Its dimensions are

40.6 x 25.4 cm (16 x 10 in. )

It is signed

Signature imprinted in green, verso, left edge, running upward, sideways: DESIGN: by Edward Fella, who, to respire to old and ring in the new, had this typeset in Gill and Bell, with a will to tell the 1990's.

It is inscribed

Recto: Imprinted in green, across upper edge: EX HI BITION/ INFORMATION: TITLE:/ Art in the Nineties/ Exhibiting ARTISTS: JUROR: Faith/ Ringgold; down center, from upper edge to lower edge: Oni Akilah/ Tom Althous/ NicoleBarbour/ C h a r l e s B i r d/ Karin L. Bodycombe/ Lynn C a z a b o n/ Laurie Domaleski/ Charles Downing/ J u d y E n r i g h t/ Constance Fekete/ Dusty Fleming/ R a n d y F or e m a n/ M a r y F r a n c i s/ Marcia Freedman/ Susan Friedman/ J o y c e G o t t l i e b/ Debor ah Kashdan/ M a r y K i n g/ J o d i Kingston/ David Liebtrau/ Connie Lucas/ David Mandiberg/ Peter Manschot/ P h i l l i p M a r i n o/ S t e v e n M e a l y/ T e r r i M e i n i k/ D e n n i s M e t e a/ Sara J. Northener/ Linda Banks Ord/ G r e t c h e n O t t o/ Diane Patterson/ Judith Peebles/ Eliza Proctor/ Eric Rhinehart/ Helena S a d o w ski/ L i n d a S a l t e r/ Matthew Schellenberg/ M a r i o n S p i t z l e y/ D a n a S t a n d i s h/ C l y d e S t r i g e r/ S a m T r e l l a/ Michael Vidakovich/ A s h a W a l i d a h/ Christine Welch/ J o h n L.. Wood; across upper right quadrant, running upward, sideways: DATE:/ January 12 - February 10, 1990; across center, divided by column of artists' names: OPENING RECEPTION: Jan / uary 12, 5:30-/ -8:30p. m.; across lower left quadrant, running upward, sideways: LOCATION:/ Detroit Focus Gallery/ ADDRESS:/ 743Beaubien/ FLOOR: 3rd; across lower right quadrant, running upward, sideways: Detroit, Michigan 48226/ GALLERYDAYS AND HOURS:/ Wednesday -Saturday/ Noon to 6 p.m.; across lower edge: PHONE NUMBER:/ (313)962-9025/ ALSO IN THE AREA: Detroit Artists Market "Abstraction" Opening January 12, 5 - 7:30 p. m. thro ugh February 9 Verso: Imprinted in green down center, from upper edge, to center: Oni Akilah/ Tom Althous/ NicoleBarbour/ C h a r l e s B i r d/ Karin L. Bodycombe/ Lynn C a z a b o n/ Laurie Domaleski/ Charles Downing/ J u d y E n r i g h t/ Constance Fekete/ Dusty Fleming/ R a n d y F or e m a n/ M a r y F r a n c i s/ Marcia Freedman/ Susan Friedman/ J o y c e G o t t l i e b/ Debor ah Kashdan/ M a r y K i n g/ J o d i Kingston/ David Liebtrau/ Connie Lucas/ David Mandiberg/ Peter Manschot/ P h i l l i p M a r i n o/ S t e v e n M e a l y/ T e r r i M e i n i k/ D e n n i s M e t e a/ Sara J. Northener/ Linda Banks Ord/ G r e t c h e n O t t o/ Diane Patterson/ Judith Peebles/ Eliza Proctor/ Eric Rhinehart/ Helena S a d o w ski/ L i n d a S a l t e r/ Matthew Schellenberg/ M a r i o n S p i t z l e y/ D a n a S t a n d i s h/ C l y d e S t r i g e r/ S a m T r e l l a/ Michael Vidakovich/ A s h a W a l i d a h/ Christine Welch/ J o h n L. Wood; across lower half of sheet, center: WITH SUPPORT FROM:/ National Endowment for the Arts/ Michigan Council for the Arts/ Detroit Council of the Arts; running downward, sideways: ALSOINCLUDE:/ Locatedacross from the Bricktown PeopleMover Station; running upward, sideways: Detroit Focus Gallery/ 743 Beaubien, 3rd Floor/ Detroit, Michigan 48226; across lower right quadrant: Non-Profit Org./ BulkRate/ U.S. POST AGE:/ Paid/ Detroit, Michigan/ Permit Number 2960

Cite this object as

Announcement, Art in the Nineties; Designed by Edward Fella (American, b. 1938); USA; offset lithograph on off-white paper; 40.6 x 25.4 cm (16 x 10 in. ); Gift of Edward Fella; 1995-42-50

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<ref name=CH>{{cite web |url=https://www-6.collection.cooperhewitt.org/objects/18651347/ |title=Announcement, Art in the Nineties |author=Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum |accessdate=27 March 2025 |publisher=Smithsonian Institution}}</ref>