Object Timeline
1981 |
2025 |
Sampler (Netherlands), 1774
This is a Sampler. It is dated 1774 and we acquired it in 1981. Its medium is silk embroidery on cotton foundation and its technique is embroidered in running (pattern darning) cross, and eyelet stitches on plain weave foundation. It is a part of the Textiles department.
This object was
bequest of
Gertrude M. Oppenheimer.
It is credited Bequest of Gertrude M. Oppenheimer.
Its dimensions are
H x W: 48.3 x 50.5 cm (19 x 19 7/8 in.)
It is inscribed
IVS Oud 15 Jaar
Cite this object as
Sampler (Netherlands), 1774; silk embroidery on cotton foundation; H x W: 48.3 x 50.5 cm (19 x 19 7/8 in.); Bequest of Gertrude M. Oppenheimer; 1981-28-251