
Behind the Scenes: Porca Miseria Chandelier
Conservator Annie Hall and Curator Cindy Trope talk about the origin story of the Porca Miseria Chandelier, as well as the conservation and storage challenges associated with it.

Behind the Scenes: Garland Lamp
Conservator Annie Hall and Curator Cindy Trope discuss the Garland Lamp, how it's made, and how it gets stowed and cleaned in museum storage.

Katagami & Katazome Demonstration
Master craftsmen from Japan demonstrate traditional techniques for hand-cutting paper stencils (katagami) and resist-dying silk (katazome). This video condenses a multi-hour process into under two...

Behind the Scenes: The Honey Pop Chair
Conservator Annie Hall & Curator Cindy Trope discuss the Honey Pop chair, its design qualities, and the challenges associated with conserving it.

Patrick Jouin on Rapid Prototyping
Interview with Patrick Jouin about rapid prototyping and 3D printing processes.

Campana Brothers on the Vermelha Chair
Hear Fernando Campana speak about the process behind the iconic Vermelha chair, and how it was brought into semi-mass production despite the unusual weaving technique required to create it.

Bill Moggridge on Interaction Design
Bill Moggridge, industrial designer and co-founder of IDEO, talks about the advent of interaction design.