Cooper Hewitt says...

Raymor was first incorporated as Russel Wright Inc. in 1936 under American entrepreneur Irving Richards (born Rappaport) (1907-2003). Through his work with Raymor, Richards became an influential figure in mid-twentieth-century design merchandising, developing a keen understanding of American consumers. The company’s catch phrase encapsulates consumer demands of the era, “Modern tradition in good taste.” Richards originally started Russel Wright Inc. as a means to distribute Wright’s popular American Modern range, but by 1941, he changed the company name to Raymor (combining his own name with that of a relatively unknown business partner, Morgenthau) and switched its emphasis to distributing imported South American and European design. He also began to commission designs from a select group of popular American industrial designers. After a successful run distributing tableware by designers such as Walter Dorwin Teague, Ray & Charles Eames, David Gil, Eva Zeisel and others, Raymor was sold to furniture company Simmons in 1963, changing its name to Raymor, Richards, Morgenthau Inc. in 1969. Richards continued working for Raymor following the sale, selecting a series of lucrative furniture imports. Raymor was liquidated in 1980 after Richards’ departure from the company.