Scientific Inspiration for Digital Matter

Scientific Inspiration for Digital Matter

Digital Matter Installation

Digital Matter, at the High Museum

MX3D Bridge

Making of the MX3D Bridge

Gradient Screen

Gradient Screen Fabrication

Hexagon Makerchair

Making of a Hexagon Makerchair

Bits & Parts Makerchair

Makerchair Bits & Parts

Half Life Lamp

Half Life Lamp: Documentary about making Half Life Lamp

Cloud Table

Cumulus: Simulation of formation of Clouds

Limited Vases

Limited: Drying Vases

Forest Table

Forest Table: Algorithym Pattern Forest Table

Paper Planes 2010

Starling Paper Maquette: Interactive paper planes, visualization at the Guggenheim

Building Like a Tree

Building Like a Tree, Documentary Claus Mattheck

Time Capsule

Making of Time Capsule and the placement of the Time Capsule in the Arctic

Starling Table

Swarm Table, Simulation of Bird Flocks

Sanding the Chaise

Sanding the Bone Chaise

Bone Chair

The Optimization of the Bone Chair

Tungsten Carbidge Coating Bridge Table

Tungsten Carbidge Coating Bridge Table

Making of an Armchair

Making of an Armchair

MX3D Printing the Dragon Bench

MX3D Printing the Dragon Bench

Ivy Climbing Grips

Making of the Climbing Grips for Ivy Wall

POV Abby the Robot, Digital Matter

POV Abby the Robot, Digital Matter

Rocking Chair

Timelapse of Rocking Chair

Voxel Tests-Decomposing Voxels

Voxel Tests-Decomposing Voxels

Making of Voxel Tables

Making of Voxel Tables

Soft Gradient Chair

Making of the Soft Gradient Chair

Adaptation Chair

Making of the Adaptation Chair

Gradient Lounge

Making of the Gradient Lounge Chair


First Experiments in Resin, MX3d - 2012

MX3D Metal

First Experiments in Metal, MX3D - 2013

Making of Makerchair Voronoi

Making of Makerchair Voronoi