People who've collaborated with Carl Albert von Lespilliez
There are 11 people who've collaborated with Carl Albert von Lespilliez on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
François de Cuvilliés the Elder
They worked on 117 objects together as a publisher or a designer
Nicolas Jean Baptiste de Poilly
They worked on 13 objects together as a publisher
François de Cuvilliés the younger
They worked on 3 objects together as a publisher or a designer or a print maker
Franz Xaver Andreas Jungwierth
They worked on 2 objects together as a print maker
They worked on one object together as a print maker
Balthazar Sigismond Setlezky
They worked on one object together as a print maker
Gabriel Huquier
They worked on one object together as a publisher
Jean-Charles Delafosse
They worked on one object together as a designer
Karl Albert von Lespilliez
They worked on one object together as a engraver
Matthäus Günther
They worked on one object together as a designer
Joseph Kaltner
They worked on one object together as a print maker