People who've had a hand in bringing works by WilliWear Ltd. in to the collection
There are 15 people who've helped bring works by WilliWear Ltd. on objects in our collection.
See all the other producers they've worked with.
Bill Bonnell
They helped 26 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender or a donor
Vignelli Center for Design Studies
They helped 16 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender
Christo and Jeanne-Claude Foundation
They helped 10 objects make their way in to the collection as a donor
Dianne McIntyre
They helped 8 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender
Mark Bozek
They helped 6 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender or a donor
Norman Smith
They helped 6 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender
James Wines
They helped 5 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender
Doreen Ford-Wilde
They helped 3 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender
Ken Friedman
They helped 2 objects make their way in to the collection as a donor
National Museum of African American History and Culture
They helped 2 objects make their way in to the collection as a lender
Tibor Kalman
They helped one object make its way in to the collection as a donor
Smithsonian American Art Museum
They helped one object make its way in to the collection as a lender
Linda Mason
They helped one object make its way in to the collection as a lender
The Textile & Costume Collection, Thomas Jefferson University
They helped one object make its way in to the collection as a lender
Camille Ann Brewer
They helped one object make its way in to the collection as a lender