Cooper Hewitt says...
Anny Schröder studied at the Vienna Kunstgewerbeschule (School of the Applied Art) from 1913–16 under Oskar Strnad, Adele von Stark, and Josef Hoffmann. She designed across various media for the Wiener Werkstätte including enamel, textiles, metalwork, glass, commercial graphics, lace tulle, jewelry, ceramics, play cards, and “boxes covered in colored silk with under-glass silhouettes on their lids.” She was a member of the Austrian Werkbund and participated in many exhibitions, such as the Vienna Modeausstellung (Fashion Exhibition) of 1915, the Munich Deutsche Gewerbeschau of 1922, and Wiener Frauenkunst exhibitions. She moved to Berlin in 1930, and settled in Bad Segeberg, Holstein in 1945, where she remained until her death in 1972.
Literature: Andreas Hillert. Anny Schröder: Leben und Werk einer Künstlerin zwischen Wiener Werkstätte, Drittem Reich und Postmoderne. Munster: LIT, 2014.
Werner J. Schweiger, Wiener Werkstätte. Kunst und Handwerk 1903 - 1932 mit 213 Künstlerbiographien im Anhang. Vienna: Brandstätter, 1982, 265.