Cooper Hewitt says...
Felice Rix-Ueno studied at the Vienna Kunstgewerbeschule (School of Applied Art) from 1913–17 under Josef Hoffmann, Oskar Strnad, Adele von Stark, and Rosalia Rothansl. She designed across various media for the Wiener Werkstätte including textiles, ceramics, glass, wood, beadwork, and fashion accessories. Rix-Ueno contributed to numerous exhibitions during her time working for the firm, including the Vienna Modeausstellung (Fashion Exhibition) of 1915, Vienna Kunstschau (Art Show) of 1920, the Paris International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts of 1925, the Hague exhibition of 1927–1928, and Das Leben einer Dame (The Life of a Woman) exhibition of 1916. She was a member of the Austrian Werkbund and Wiener Frauenkunst. After several visits to Japan, Rix-Ueno settled in Kyoto permanently with her husband, the Japanese modern architect Isaburō Ueno, a founding member of the International Architecture Society of Japan. Rix-Ueno was a professor at the Kyoto Municipal School of Art from 1949–63. She died in Kyoto in 1967.
Literature: Werner J. Schweiger, Wiener Werkstätte. Kunst und Handwerk 1903 - 1932 mit 213 Künstlerbiographien im Anhang. Vienna: Brandstätter, 1982, 265.