People who've collaborated with Brillion Historical Society
There are 33 people who've collaborated with Brillion Historical Society on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
Maxwell & Co., S.A.
They worked on 304 objects together as a manufacturer or a distributor
Carey Bros. W.P. Mfg. Co.
They worked on 94 objects together as a manufacturer
Standard Wall-Paper Company
They worked on 58 objects together as a manufacturer or a maker
Janeway & Co. Inc.
They worked on 52 objects together as a manufacturer
Cresswell & Washburn Ltd
They worked on 49 objects together as a manufacturer
York Card & Paper Co.
They worked on 43 objects together as a manufacturer
Gledhill Wall Paper Co.
They worked on 35 objects together as a manufacturer
Hobbs, Benton & Heath
They worked on 35 objects together as a manufacturer
Liberty Wall Paper Company
They worked on 30 objects together as a manufacturer
Robert Graves Co.
They worked on 29 objects together as a manufacturer or a maker
Standard Wall-Paper Company
They worked on 29 objects together as a manufacturer
Imperial Wallcoverings Inc.
They worked on 27 objects together as a manufacturer
S.A. Maxwell & Co.
They worked on 21 objects together as a distributor or a manufacturer or a maker
F. E. James Co.
They worked on 16 objects together as a manufacturer
Liberty Paper & Bag Co.
They worked on 15 objects together as a manufacturer
Benton, Heath & Co.
They worked on 14 objects together as a manufacturer
Becker, Smith & Page, Inc.
They worked on 13 objects together as a manufacturer or a maker
Wallace Wall-Paper Co.
They worked on 12 objects together as a manufacturer
Howell and Brothers
They worked on 11 objects together as a manufacturer
Wm. Campbell Wall Paper Company
They worked on 11 objects together as a manufacturer
William H. Mairs and Company
They worked on 11 objects together as a maker or a manufacturer
York Wall Paper Company
They worked on 11 objects together as a manufacturer
Kayser & Allman
They worked on 11 objects together as a manufacturer or a distributor
W.H. Mairs & Co.
They worked on 10 objects together as a manufacturer or a maker
Ithaca Wall-Paper Mills
They worked on 10 objects together as a manufacturer
Henry Gledhill & Co.
They worked on 8 objects together as a manufacturer
Keystone Wall-Paper Company
They worked on 7 objects together as a manufacturer or a maker
William H. Gledhill
They worked on 7 objects together as a manufacturer
Alfred Peats Company
They worked on 6 objects together as a manufacturer
Cory-Heller Company
They worked on 6 objects together as a manufacturer
Robert S. Hobbs & Co.
They worked on 5 objects together as a manufacturer
Lewis Chase Wall Paper Company
They worked on 5 objects together as a manufacturer
Pittsburg W.P. Co.
They worked on 5 objects together as a manufacturer