People who've collaborated with Jean Léon Decloux
There are 34 people who've collaborated with Jean Léon Decloux on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
Jacques-François Chéreau
They worked on 746 objects together as a publisher
Gabriel Huquier
They worked on 702 objects together as a print maker or a publisher or a etcher or a engraver or a designer
Richard de Lalonde
They worked on 501 objects together as a artist or a designer or a style of
Jules-François Boucher le fils
They worked on 436 objects together as a designer or a print maker or a attributed to or a style of
Chez Le Pere et Avaulez
They worked on 416 objects together as a publisher or a print maker or a manufacturer
Pierre Ranson
They worked on 387 objects together as a designer or a artist or a attributed to or a after
Pierre-Michel Avaulez
They worked on 352 objects together as a publisher
Charles Le Pere
They worked on 351 objects together as a publisher
Nicolas Langlois
They worked on 320 objects together as a publisher
François de Cuvilliés the Elder
They worked on 306 objects together as a designer or a publisher
François Boucher
They worked on 283 objects together as a designer or a print maker or a inventor or a collaborator
Daniel Marot
They worked on 275 objects together as a engraver or a designer
Gilles-Marie Oppenord
They worked on 267 objects together as a artist or a attributed to or a designer or a architect or a possibly or a after
Adam Perelle
They worked on 246 objects together as a print maker
Chez Huquier
They worked on 205 objects together as a publisher or a manufacturer
Jean Pelletier
They worked on 196 objects together as a print maker
Pierre-Gabriel Berthault
They worked on 188 objects together as a print maker or a designer
Esnauts et Rapilly
They worked on 184 objects together as a publisher
Antoine Watteau
They worked on 170 objects together as a after or a attributions or a circle of or a designer
Mathieu Nicolas Goulet de Saint-Morien
They worked on 170 objects together as a print maker
Jacques Juillet
They worked on 169 objects together as a print maker or a engraver
Gabriel Perelle
They worked on 166 objects together as a print maker
Jean Bérain the Elder
They worked on 163 objects together as a designer or a attributed to
Augustin Nicolas Foin
They worked on 160 objects together as a print maker
Louis-Joseph Mondhare
They worked on 155 objects together as a publisher or a designer
Nicolas Jean Baptiste de Poilly
They worked on 148 objects together as a publisher or a print maker
Jacques Thuret
They worked on 133 objects together as a publisher
Jean-François de Neufforge
They worked on 131 objects together as a publisher or a print maker or a designer
Charles Nicolas Ransonnette
They worked on 121 objects together as a engraver
Pierre Claude Delagardette
They worked on 119 objects together as a print maker or a designer or a potter
Marguerite Caillou Chéreau
They worked on 117 objects together as a publisher or a print maker
Geneviève-Marguerite Chéreau
They worked on 112 objects together as a publisher or a probably
Carl Albert von Lespilliez
They worked on 109 objects together as a print maker
Jean-Baptiste Pillement
They worked on 108 objects together as a designer or a after or a print maker or a artist