John Pierpont Morgan
The prominent New York financier and industrialist John Pierpont Morgan served on the Council of the museum (and added regularly to its coffers). But it was Morgan’s earliest contribution, in 1902, that most changed the course of the museum. Morgan reportedly learned of Eleanor and Sarah Hewitt's interest in an important textile collection in Barcelona; shortly thereafter, while traveling in Europe, he nonchalantly purchased three extraordinary collections of textiles: the Badia collection in Barcelona, the Vives collection in Madrid, and the Baron collection in Paris. He donated these in their entirety—more than 1,000 items—to the young museum, making it suddenly among the top holders of textiles in... more.
We know 2 people that John Pierpont Morgan is related to.
- Advisory Council
- Founded 1907.
- Founded to provide advice and funding for the museum’s collections.
- This person is a organization of John.
- This person is involved with 14486 objects in our collection.
- Andrew Carnegie
- American, born Scotland, 1835–1919.
- This person is a business associate of John.
- This person is involved with 3 objects in our collection.