Cooper Hewitt says...

Jonathan de Pas (1932-91) was an Italian designer based in Milan. He worked with fellow designers Paolo Lomazzi (b. 1939), Donato D’Urbino (b. 1935), and Carla Scolari (born in the 1930s), who, like De Pas, first trained as architects at the Milan Polytechnic. In 1961, De Pas, Lomazzi, and D’Urbino opened their own design studio in Milan. The group was active in the Italian anti-design movement of the 1960s-70s, and their practice included architecture, interior and exhibition design, town planning, and furniture design. Major furniture manufacturers Driade, Poltranova, and Zanotta S.p.A. were among their clients. The studio’s innovative inflatable plastic “Blow” chair (1967), and the 1970 polyurethane foam “Joe” chair, in the form of a giant baseball glove, are among their best known designs. In the 1970s the firm shifted its focus to flexible and interchangeable modular storage systems and seating.