People who've collaborated with Gabriel Huquier
There are 30 people who've collaborated with Gabriel Huquier on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
Gilles-Marie Oppenord
They worked on 274 objects together as a designer
Chez Huquier
They worked on 205 objects together as a publisher or a manufacturer
François Boucher
They worked on 120 objects together as a print maker or a designer or a after or a artist
Juste-Aurèle Meissonnier
They worked on 114 objects together as a designer
Antoine Watteau
They worked on 80 objects together as a after or a attributions or a designer
Charles Auguste Foulard
They worked on 59 objects together as a publisher
Jean de Jullienne
They worked on 53 objects together as a director of production
Marguerite Caillou Chéreau
They worked on 50 objects together as a publisher
Claude Gillot
They worked on 50 objects together as a print maker or a designer
Alexis Peyrotte
They worked on 38 objects together as a designer or a after
Edmé Bouchardon
They worked on 38 objects together as a designer
They worked on 32 objects together as a designer
Jacques de Lajoüe
They worked on 29 objects together as a designer
Pierre-Alexandre Aveline
They worked on 27 objects together as a engraver or a print maker or a etcher
René Charpentier
They worked on 26 objects together as a print maker or a designer or a after
Louis-Félix Delarue
They worked on 19 objects together as a print maker
Charles-Nicolas Cochin the elder
They worked on 15 objects together as a print maker
Chez Le Pere et Avaulez
They worked on 14 objects together as a publisher
François de Cuvilliés the Elder
They worked on 7 objects together as a publisher or a designer
Jacques-François Blondel
They worked on 7 objects together as a print maker
Pierre-Quentin Chedel
François de Cuvilliés the younger
They worked on 7 objects together as a print maker or a designer
A. Bouchet
They worked on 6 objects together as a print maker
Charles Nicolas Cochin the younger
They worked on 5 objects together as a print maker
Charles Le Pere
Pierre Chenu
Pierre-Michel Avaulez
Pierre Edme Babel