Edit an item in a user's shoebox. You can try this method out right here in your browser!
Request Method
- access_token (required) — A valid OAuth2 access token
- format — The format in which to return the data. Supported formats are json, jsonp, dson. The default format is json.
- item_id (required) — A valid Cooper Hewitt item ID belonging to the currently auth-ed user.
- title — Update the title for a shoebox item. Note: plain-text only.
- description — Update the description for a shoebox item. Note: plain-text only.
- is_public — Possible values are 1 (public) and 0 (private).
Example Request
curl -X POST -F "method=cooperhewitt.shoebox.items.editItem" -F "access_token=<TOKEN>" -F "item_id=<ITEM_ID>" -F "title=<TITLE>" -F "description=<DESCRIPTION>" -F "is_public=<IS_PUBLIC>"